
We offer a comprehensive communication assessment as standard to all of our new clients to gain a better understanding of your current communication strengths, needs and goals. This highly specialist assessment helps us to better understand your cognition, receptive language (understanding or comprehension), expressive language (how you use grammar and find words), speech (how you articulate words) and your social communication (social skills). This helps us to provide highly targeted therapy based on your individual strengths, needs and goals.

We also offer one off assessments. This might be to support someone in a capacity assessment or to provide a comprehensive report of what the client understands, what they need support with and how their family or carers can best meet those needs. For example, a person with a learning disability may seem as though they are understanding what is being said, but there are frequent communication breakdowns or miscommunications leading to frustration. We can pinpoint where the difficulty or breakdown is in communication and provide practical advice to help staff support the person better.

We use a wide-range of tools to assess people, including an interview with the client and other relevant people, observations, formal assessments and informal assessments. Assessments can be carried out over multiple sessions at a place and time to suit you.

Please contact us here if you feel you would benefit from our assessment service.