Speech Matters Speech Therapy specialise in adult communication assessment and therapy. We work with you, your family and your care team to provide highly individualised treatment to maximise your communication potential. We pride ourselves on providing expert assessment and interventions at an affordable cost in a way that suits you and your family from the comfort of your own home. Firstly, we will complete a telephone or email consultation to find out more about you and your needs.
Then (if appropriate/indicated), we will complete a thorough assessment. This includes a full assessment of your speech, language and communication strengths and needs. We look at what information you understand, how you express yourself and how best to support you.
We use a wide-range of tools to gather this information, including formal and informal assessments, observations and interviews. A detailed report of our findings can be provided on request. Next, we will agree on a therapy plan together that will best meet your goals. Treatment might include working on one or more of the below (this list is not
- Speech therapy for articulation and clarity
- Strengthening exercises
- Oral sensorimotor therapy or oral desensitisation therapy
- Word-finding therapy
- Phonological therapy
- Receptive language therapy
- Expressive language therapy
- Colourful Semantics
- Reading and writing skills
- Lego Therapy
- Attention Autism
- Signing
- Alternative and Augmentative Communication or AAC
- Intensive interaction
- Cause and effect
- Communication books, guides and passports
- Cognitive Communication Therapy
- Memory books
- High-tech Assistive technology, such as iPads with a communication app
- Social skills and pragmatics
- Communication Partner training
- Training and education of friends, family and care team on how to support your communication
We also use counselling and motivational interviewing skills to support therapeutic
Therapy sessions
Specialist services
Autism assessment, training packages and clinical supervision
We offer bespoke and generic training packages to services, such as day
centres, residential care homes, nursing homes, sheltered accommodation and
supported living. This is done on a case by case basis to meet the needs of the